Jonathan Stillo

Wayne State University

Bio Sketch

Dr. Jonathan Stillo is a medical anthropologist and an Assistant Professor who teaches Anthropology and Public Health at Wayne State University in Detroit, Michigan. His work and passion focuses on using anthropological and global health approaches to reduce human suffering in the world. He has received research grants from the US National Science Foundation, The US Department of State, Fulbright-Hays, and The Social Science Research Council, among others.  Since 2006, Jonathan has been researching tuberculosis (TB) in Romania—including living at a Romanian TB sanatorium for several months and interviewing hundreds of patients over the course of more than five years living in Romania. His research focuses on the social, economic and structural aspects of TB, particularly antibiotic resistant varieties. Jonathan has served as an International Expert on the World Health Organization teams that conducted the 2014 review of Romania’s national TB program, as well as the TB program review in Republic of Moldova in 2013. In 2016, he was the lead author of an ECDC supported proposal for introducing integrated, community based support for people with TB in Romania. He is the elected Co-Chair of the TB Europe Coalition and a member of the Global TB Community Advisory Board. in 2019, he became the coordinator of the World Health Organization’ European Office’s working group on Patient Centered Tuberculosis Care.

Geographies Romania

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