Bio Sketch
Philipp is an infectious diseases specialist with a Masters in Clinical Epidemiology with more than 15 years of clinical and public health experience in the management of TB/HIV programs. He currently works at the Burnet Institute where he is the co-Head of the Tuberculosis Elimination and Implementation Science working group, and leads projects supporting field testing of novel TB diagnostic tests, improved models of care for active case finding and TB preventive treatment. He is a member of the Zero TB Initiative Yogyakarta which is scaling up an effective Search-Treat-Prevent model of care in 2 districts in Indonesia. He has supported program implementation and research in a range of settings in Africa, Central Asia, South East Asia and the Pacific. He is a member of the World Health Organisation rGLC for the Programmatic Management of Drug Resistant TB (WPRO region).
Philipp’s research focuses on in improving diagnosis and treatment of drug resistant TB including supporting setting up a trial site in Port Moresby as part of the Truenat diagnostic validation study, being a member of the Steering committee for the MSF sponsored PRACTECAL MDR-TB randomised controlled trial, and leading a study into extrapulmonary TB in PNG. The Zero TB Initiative Yogyakarta Team is currently conducting qualitative research on gender related barriers and facilitators to accessing TB services including active case finding and preventive therapy. With the Papua New Guinea Institute of Medical Research, Philipp is collaborating on qualitative research into community understanding of TB in 3 provinces in PNG.