Publication Children and providers’ perspectives on once-weekly rifapentine and isoniazid TB preventive therapy Dillon Wademan Graeme Hoddinott Community Engagement Health care workers
Report Pilot evaluation of urban ASHA programme in Mumbai & Pune Assessing their preparedness for Tuberculosis (TB) control Nerges Mistry Applied Research Behavioural research
Publication Effect of public-private interface agency in Patna and Mumbai, India: Does it alter durations and delays in care seeking for drug-sensitive pulmonary tuberculosis? Nerges Mistry Access Private sector
Publication Engagement and Preparedness of Urban Accredited Social Health Activists (U-ASHAs) for Delivery of Tuberculosis (TB) Care: Findings From two Cities in Maharashtra, India Nerges Mistry Access Behavioural research
Publication Pulmonary tuberculosis in Patna, India: Durations, delays, and health care seeking behaviour among patients identified through household surveys Nerges Mistry Access Behavioural research
Publication Durations and Delays in Care Seeking, Diagnosis and Treatment Initiation in Uncomplicated Pulmonary Tuberculosis Patients in Mumbai, India Nerges Mistry Behavioural research Diagnosis
Publication Pathway to care for drug resistant tuberculosis cases identified during a retrospective study conducted in high TB burden wards in Mumbai Nerges Mistry Diagnosis Treatment
Publication Use of standardised patients to assess quality of tuberculosis care Nerges Mistry Community Engagement Private sector
Publication Such a long journey: What health seeking pathways of patients with drug resistant tuberculosis in Mumbai tell us Nerges Mistry Behavioural research Qualitative Methods
Publication Missed Nuances in Tuberculosis Research: Reflections from a Tibetan Scholar Nawang Yanga Equity Social Determinants
Publication Codeveloping a community-based, peer-led psychosocial support intervention to reduce stigma and depression among people with tuberculosis and their households in Indonesia: a mixed-methods participatory action study Ahmad Fuady Tom Wingfield Community Engagement Mental Health
Publication The path to impact of operational research on tuberculosis control policies and practices in Indonesia Ari Probandari Qualitative Methods Research
Publication eNose-TB: A trial study protocol of electronic nose for tuberculosis screening in Indonesia Ari Probandari Digital health Intervention / trial
Publication Comprehensive Tuberculosis Screening and Treatment at a Prison in Central Papua Province, Indonesia Ari Probandari Behavioural research Treatment
Publication Design and prototype of TOMO: an app for improving drug resistant TB treatment adherence Ari Probandari Behavioural research Digital health
Publication Potential and challenges for an integrated management of tuberculosis, diabetes mellitus, and hypertension: A scoping review protocol Ari Probandari Comorbidities Diabetes
Publication A successful UN High-Level Meeting on antimicrobial resistance must build on the 2023 UN High-Level Meeting on tuberculosis Ari Probandari Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR)
Publication The development of the national tuberculosis research priority in Indonesia: A comprehensive mixed-method approach Ahmad Fuady Agus Fitriangga Ari Probandari Mixed Methods Research
Publication Health-related quality of life in children with presumptive TB Graeme Hoddinott Children adolescents Mixed Methods
Publication Sputum and tongue swab molecular testing for the in-home diagnosis of tuberculosis in unselected household contacts: a cost and cost-effectiveness analysis Andrew Medina-Marino Access Cost / economic analysis