Publication Health-related quality of life in children with presumptive TB Graeme Hoddinott Children adolescents Mixed Methods
Publication Characteristics of children and adolescents with multidrug-resistant and rifampicin-resistant tuberculosis and their association with treatment outcomes: a systematic review and individual participant data meta-analysis Jennifer Furin Children adolescents Drug-resistant TB
Publication Social and health factors associated with unfavourable treatment outcomes in children and adolescents with drug-sensitive tuberculosis in Brazil: a national retrospective cohort study Tom Wingfield Children adolescents Comorbidities
Publication Uncovering lived experiences of young men and women affected by TB: A photovoice study in Lilongwe, Malawi LIGHT Consortium LIGHT Leaving no-one behind: transforming Gendered pathways to Health for TB Behavioural research Children adolescents
Publication One step further: improving paediatric TB diagnosis through user-centred research approaches Nora Engel Children adolescents Diagnosis
Publication An item bank to measure health-related quality of life among young children (0-5-years-old) affected by respiratory illnesses – expert stakeholders and end-users from the Western Cape, South Africa Graeme Hoddinott Children adolescents Intervention / trial
Publication Analysis of the epidemiological characteristics and influencing factors of tuberculosis among students in a large province of China, 2008-2018 Children adolescents Social Determinants
Publication Effect of COVID-19 on paediatric TB service delivery and patients’ comfort receiving TB services in Cameroon and Kenya during COVID: a qualitative assessment Children adolescents Comorbidities
Publication Navigating complex care pathways-healthcare workers’ perspectives on health system barriers for children with tuberculous meningitis in Cape Town, South Africa Graeme Hoddinott Children adolescents Comorbidities
Publication Psychosocial experiences of adolescents with tuberculosis in Cape Town Dillon Wademan Graeme Hoddinott Children adolescents Comorbidities
Publication The Coronavirus Disease 2019 Pandemic and Time to Diagnosis for Childhood Pulmonary Diseases: Outcomes of a Tertiary Care Center Behavioural research Children adolescents
Publication Tuberculosis treatment loss to follow-up in children exposed at home: A prospective cohort study Behavioural research Children adolescents
Publication Facilitators and barriers to initiating and completing tuberculosis preventive treatment among children and adolescents living with HIV in Uganda: a qualitative study of adolescents, caretakers and health workers Children adolescents Comorbidities
Publication The socioeconomic burden of pediatric tuberculosis and role of child-sensitive social protection Children adolescents
Publication Socio-economic burden of TB and its impact on child contacts in The Gambia Children adolescents
Publication Acceptability of a first-line anti-tuberculosis formulation for children: qualitative data from the SHINE trial Dillon Wademan Graeme Hoddinott Children adolescents Qualitative Methods
Publication Opportunities for Mobile App–Based Adherence Support for Children With Tuberculosis in South Africa Dillon Wademan Graeme Hoddinott Children adolescents Technologies
Report Childhood TB and Stigma: Conversations of resilience in the war against TB Blessina Kumar Children adolescents Gender
Publication “Before Xpert I only had my expertise”: A qualitative study on the utilization and effects of Xpert technology among pediatricians in 4 Indian cities Andrew McDowell Children adolescents Diagnosis
Publication Household context and psychosocial impact of childhood multidrug-resistant tuberculosis in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa Marian Loveday Amrita Daftary Children adolescents Drug-resistant TB
Publication Developing a Human Rights-Based Approach to Tuberculosis Brian Citro Children adolescents Drug-resistant TB
Publication A children’s book about tuberculosis Paul Mason Children adolescents Community Engagement
Publication Tuberculosis comorbidity with communicable and non-communicable diseases: integrating health services and control efforts Gill Craig Children adolescents Funding
Publication Cultural concepts of tuberculosis and gender among the general population without tuberculosis in rural Maharashtra, India Sachin Atre Behavioural research Children adolescents