Publication The potential perils of a drug protection framework in tuberculosis Jennifer Furin Access Advocacy
Publication “I’m fed up”: experiences of prior anti-tuberculosis treatment in patients with drug-resistant tuberculosis and HIV Jennifer Furin Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) Drug-resistant TB
Publication A human rights-based approach to tuberculosis diagnosis Jennifer Furin Mike Frick Diagnosis Equity
Publication “A very humiliating illness”: a qualitative study of patient-centered Care for Rifampicin-Resistant Tuberculosis in South Africa Jennifer Furin Qualitative Methods
Media Opinion: Quality Tuberculosis care starts with people Amrita Daftary Jeremiah Chikovore Health services
Publication “This is not my body”: Therapeutic experiences and post-treatment health of people with rifampicin-resistant tuberculosis Marian Loveday Jennifer Furin Drug-resistant TB Post TB
Publication The devil we know: is the use of injectable agents for the treatment of MDR-TB justified? Jonathan Stillo Drug-resistant TB
Publication Hear us! Accounts of people treated with injectables for drug-resistant TB Jonathan Stillo Advocacy Drug-resistant TB
Publication Constructing confidence: User perspectives on AlereLAM testing for tuberculosis Nora Engel Diagnosis HIV/AIDS
Publication Gender-based differences in community-wide screening for pulmonary tuberculosis in Karachi, Pakistan: an observational study of 311 732 individuals undergoing screening Faiz Ahmad Khan Diagnosis Gender
Publication Rapid molecular tests for tuberculosis and tuberculosis drug resistance: provider and recipient views Nora Engel Diagnosis Drug-resistant TB
Publication TB case fatality and recurrence in a private sector cohort in Mumbai, India Madhukar Pai Health services Post TB
Publication Asia emerges as a hotbed of diagnostic innovations for tuberculosis Madhukar Pai Diagnosis Digital health
Publication Health Systems and Tuberculosis Control Sachin Atre Community Engagement Intervention / trial
Publication Identifying barriers and facilitators to implementation of community-based tuberculosis active case finding with mobile X-ray units in Lima, Peru: a RE-AIM evaluation Salmaan Keshavjee Community Engagement Diagnosis
Publication Sales of antibiotics and hydroxychloroquine in India during the COVID-19 epidemic: An interrupted time series analysis Madhukar Pai COVID-19 Treatment
Report Global advocacy based on real stories and realities bringing policy change and translated to country reality. A success story of community! Blessina Kumar SSHIFTB
Media Public-private partnership in TB: Spotlight interview with Vijayashree Yellappa Vijayashree Yellappa SSHIFTB
Publication Diversifying the evidence base used to make global guideline decisions Nora Engel SSHIFTB
Publication Acceptability, feasibility, and impact of a pilot tuberculosis literacy and treatment counselling intervention: a mixed methods study Amrita Daftary Boitumelo Seepamore Stephanie Law Health services Intervention / trial
Publication Implementing radical cure diagnostics for malaria: user perspectives on G6PD testing in Bangladesh Nora Engel Diagnosis Qualitative Methods