Publication Interpretation, context and time: An ethnographically inspired approach to strategy development for tuberculosis control in Odisha, India Jens Seeberg Anthropology
Publication Point-of-care testing in India: missed opportunities to realize the true potential of Point of Care testing programs Vijayashree Yellappa Nora Engel Madhukar Pai Diagnosis Program/me
Publication The Precariousness of Public Health: On Tuberculosis Control in Contemporary France Janina Kehr Anthropology Migrant / mobile populations
Publication Sociocultural dimensions of tuberculosis: an overview of key concepts Justin Denholm Chris Degeling Paul Mason Gender Social Determinants
Publication Notification of multidrug-resistant tuberculosis cases and treatment outcomes in the private sector Sachin Atre Drug-resistant TB Treatment
Publication Barriers to point-of-care testing in India: Results from qualitative research across different settings, users and major diseases Vijayashree Yellappa Madhukar Pai Nora Engel Diagnosis Health services
Publication Social, Historical and Cultural Dimensions of Tuberculosis Paul Mason Anthropology Social Determinants
Publication An urgent need for building technical capacity for rapid diagnosis of multidrug-resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB) among new cases: A case report from Maharashtra, India Sachin Atre Diagnosis
Publication Double trouble? Towards an epistemology of co-infection Janina Kehr HIV/AIDS Social theory
Publication ‘For a mere cough, men must just chew Conjex, gain strength, and continue working’: the provider construction and tuberculosis care-seeking implications in Blantyre, Malawi Jeremiah Chikovore Gender Qualitative Methods
Publication “For a mere cough, men must just chew Conjex, gain strength, and continue working”: the provider construction and tuberculosis care-seeking implications in Blantyre, Malawi Jeremiah Chikovore Gender Social Determinants
Publication The social context of tuberculosis treatment in urban risk groups in the United Kingdom: a qualitative interview study Gill Craig Qualitative Methods Social Determinants
Media Optimising the involvement of private practitioners in TB care: An implementation research Vijayashree Yellappa Diagnosis Health services
Publication The Political and Ethical Challenge of Multi-Drug Resistant Tuberculosis Chris Degeling Drug-resistant TB Equity
Publication Private players in tuberculosis control: will negotiation help to maintain the symbiosis in the ecosystem? Sachin Atre Policy Service delivery
Publication “I Can Also Serve as an Inspiration”: A Qualitative Study of the TB&Me Blogging Experience and Its Role in MDR-TB Treatment Philipp du Cros Qualitative Methods Treatment
Publication Blind Spot: How Neoliberalism Infiltrated Global Health Salmaan Keshavjee Political analysis Program/me
Publication Risk Factors Associated with MDR-TB at the Onset of Therapy among New Cases Registered with the RNTCP in Mumbai, India Sachin Atre Drug-resistant TB
Publication The Event of DOTS and the Transformation of the Tuberculosis Syndemic in India Jens Seeberg Intervention / trial
Publication Comparing cost-effectiveness of standardised tuberculosis treatments given varying drug resistance Stephanie Law Drug-resistant TB Post TB
Publication Control, struggle, and emergent masculinities: a qualitative study of men’s care-seeking determinants for chronic cough and tuberculosis symptoms in Blantyre, Malawi Jeremiah Chikovore Gender Qualitative Methods
Report Falling Short: A Civil Society Perspective Of The European Response To Multi & Extensively Drug Resistant Tuberculosis (M/XDR-TB), 2014 Nonna Turusbekova Advocacy Drug-resistant TB
Report Evaluation of Results Based Financing Strategies for Tuberculosis care and Control in India Boitumelo Seepamore Vijayashree Yellappa Diagnosis Funding