Publication Risk Factors Associated with MDR-TB at the Onset of Therapy among New Cases Registered with the RNTCP in Mumbai, India Sachin Atre Nerges Mistry Drug-resistant TB
Publication Comparing cost-effectiveness of standardised tuberculosis treatments given varying drug resistance Stephanie Law Drug-resistant TB Post TB
Report Falling Short: A Civil Society Perspective Of The European Response To Multi & Extensively Drug Resistant Tuberculosis (M/XDR-TB), 2014 Nonna Turusbekova Advocacy Drug-resistant TB
Publication The treatment journey of a patient with multidrug-resistant tuberculosis in South Africa: is it patient-centred? Marian Loveday Drug-resistant TB Health services
Publication Observations on categorization of new TB cases: Implications for controlling drug resistance Sachin Atre Nerges Mistry Diagnosis Drug-resistant TB
Publication Multidrug-resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB) in India: an attempt to link biosocial determinants Sachin Atre Nerges Mistry Drug-resistant TB Social Determinants