Publication HIV stigma and viral suppression among people living with HIV in the context of universal test and treat: analysis of data from the HPTN 071 (PopART) trial in Zambia and South Africa Graeme Hoddinott HIV/AIDS Stigma
Publication Hamari Awaaz: Uncharted Voices Amrita Daftary Tahiya Mahbub Advocacy Participatory approach
Report Breaking the Silence: Human Rights, Gender, Stigma and Discrimination Barriers to TB Services in Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Ukraine Nonna Turusbekova Access Advocacy
Publication Perspectives of Vietnamese, Sudanese and South Sudanese immigrants on targeting migrant communities for latent tuberculosis screening and treatment in low-incidence settings: A report on two Victorian community panels Krista Watts Justin Denholm Chris Degeling Diagnosis Health services
Publication Measuring Stigma to Assess the Social Justice Implications of Health-Related Policy Decisions: Application to Novel Treatment Regimens for Multidrug-Resistant Tuberculosis Alice Zwerling Research Stigma
Publication Measuring Stigma to Assess the Social Justice Implications of Health-Related Policy Decisions: Application to Novel Treatment Regimens for Multidrug-Resistant Tuberculosis Alice Zwerling Drug-resistant TB Policy
Publication Community health care workers in pursuit of TB: Discourses and dilemmas Ellen Mitchell Community Engagement Discourse analysis
Report Men & Stigma: Conversations of resilience in the war against TB Blessina Kumar Madhukar Pai Gender Health services
Report Women and Stigma: Conversations of resilience in the war against TB Blessina Kumar Gender Health services
Publication Stigma against tuberculosis may hinder non-household contact investigation: a qualitative study in Thailand Jintana Ngamvithayapong-Yanai Qualitative Methods Stigma
Publication Stigma in health facilities: why it matters and how we can change it Ellen Mitchell Health services Intervention / trial
Publication A scoping review of health-related stigma outcomes for high-burden diseases in low- and middle-income countries Ellen Mitchell HIV/AIDS Stigma
Publication To End TB, First-Ever High-Level Meeting on Tuberculosis Must Address Stigma Amrita Daftary Ellen Mitchell Advocacy Stigma
Report Childhood TB and Stigma: Conversations of resilience in the war against TB Blessina Kumar Children adolescents Gender
Report TB Stigma Measurement Guidance Ellen Mitchell Amrita Daftary Gill Craig Brian Citro Qualitative Methods Social theory
Publication Incorporating social justice and stigma in cost-effectiveness analysis: drug-resistant tuberculosis treatment Alice Zwerling Cost / economic analysis Drug-resistant TB
Report Toward Elimination: Understand and Addressing Barriers to Latent Tuberculosis Infection Testing and Treatment Among High-Risk Communities in Victoria Krista Watts Community Engagement Mixed Methods
Publication Fighting TB stigma: we need to apply lessons learnt from HIV activism Amrita Daftary Mike Frick Madhukar Pai Advocacy Stigma
Publication TB and HIV stigma compounded by threatened masculinity: implications for TB health-care seeking in Malawi Jeremiah Chikovore Gender HIV/AIDS
Publication TB Stigma as a social determinant of health: a systematic mapping review of research in low incidence countries Gill Craig Amrita Daftary Nora Engel Intervention / trial Qualitative Methods
Publication Tuberculosis Stigma as a social determinant of health: a systematic mapping review of research in low incidence countries Gill Craig Amrita Daftary Nora Engel Health services Migrant / mobile populations
Publication “They prefer hidden treatment”: anti-tuberculosis drug-taking practices and drug regulation in Karakalpakstan Philipp du Cros Advocacy Stigma