Daftary, A., Mitchell, E. M. H., Reid, M. J. A., Fekadu, E., & Goosby, E. (2018). To End TB, First-Ever High-Level Meeting on Tuberculosis Must Address Stigma. The American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 99(5), 1114–1116.


Published November 2018.

World leaders gather to consolidate their commitment to ending tuberculosis (TB). Vital to the success of renewed efforts is an overdue recognition of the pervasive and pernicious influence of TB stigma. TB stigma is sustained in structures, policies, traditions, and norms. Innovative modifications to infection control, drug dispensing, and surveillance practices are required to increase demand for TB screening and effective therapeutic alliances among those diagnosed. The authors argue that reducing TB stigma requires a scientific and inclusive process, with prominent roles for TB survivors and a willingness to integrate and learn from other stigmatized conditions.

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FounderSocial Science & Health Innovation for TuberculosisAssociate ProfessorSchool of Global Health, Dahdaleh Institute of Global Health ResearchYork UniversityCAPRISA Centre for the AIDS Programme of Research in South Africa

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