Ahmad Fuady
Bio Sketch
Ahmad Fuady is a researcher and lecturer at the Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Indonesia. His research focuses on health policy, health economics, community medicine, and infectious diseases. (Publication list here) He earned his medical degree (M.D.) from Universitas Indonesia in 2009, then continued learning health economics, policy, and law at Erasmus School of Health Policy and Management, Erasmus University Rotterdam, the Netherlands. He successfully defended his Ph.D. thesis about the economic impact of tuberculosis since the Indonesian health insurance program at Erasmus University Rotterdam in 2020. He is also a fellow researcher at the Center for Social Security Studies (Pusat Kajian Jaminan Sosial, PKJS UI). He joined the International Health Economics Association (iHEA), the Health and Social Protection Action Research & Knowledge Sharing (SPARKS Network), The Union, and The Indonesian Tuberculosis Research Network. His publication list Beside academic research, Ahmad has been active in writing opinion on health policy in national newspapers (see his Website). He also published some books on universal health coverage, such as Jaminan Kesehatan dan Pemenuhan Hak Kesehatan (BP FKUI, 2005) and Arsitektur Jaminan Kesehatan Indonesia (Sagung Seto, 2019), as well as other books on COVID-19 (Pandemi Multirupa, 2021).