Session Format

In each 60 minute virtual session, a presenter will review the article and the set the stage for a group discussion.

Articles discussed will usually be published within the last 10 years, available by open access, and focused on people-centred care, social determinants, or TB policy

Session presenters do not need to follow a specific format, but should plan to:

  1. review the content and the methods of the article,
  2. prepare discussion points on research methods and application to TB elimination, and
  3. reserve approximately half the session for discussion.


The journal club meets year-round on zoom on the second Wednesday of every other month at 10 am EST, 4pm CET, 5pm SAST.


Registration in advance is not required. To attend simply join the meeting using the link and the passcode below:



The journal club is led by Dr. Nancy Bedingfield.

To receive email notifications, volunteer to present, or suggest a paper for an upcoming session contact Nancy @


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Focus groups were conducted to support the co-development of a person-centred stigma intervention with TB-affected community members and health workers in South Africa.

This month's article will be presented by Dr Alanna Bergman, a nurse practitioner and post-doctoral research fellow in the Office of Nursing Research, University of Virginia
