Harm reduction approach for tuberculosis and substance use disorders: A review of approaches and implications in the Indian context
There are limitations to traditional treatment approaches in addressing the needs of individuals with dual comorbidity of TB and SUD. The concept of harm reduction as a distinct approach to addressing substance use, focusing on minimising the negative consequences associated with it rather than advocating for complete abstinence. Different harm reduction strategies, such as opioid substitution therapy, needle and syringe programmes, testing for viral infections etc. have been effectively employed for SUDs in past. Similarly, TB risk minimization approaches like improving housing and nutrition and focused testing strategies are considered as harm reduction strategies for TB management. The relationship between tuberculosis (TB) and substance use disorders (SUDs) involves a complex interplay of biopsychosocial factors. It is crucial to prioritise integrated and closely monitored care in order to address the treatment challenges and potential drug interactions that may arise. In light of the acknowledged challenges like limited awareness, infrastructure, drug resistance, and stigma, it is imperative to explore potential avenues for the implementation of harm reduction strategies targeting individuals with comorbid TB and SUD in India. Potential strategies for addressing the issue includes a range of measures, such as augmenting investments in healthcare, integrating policies, tackling social determinants, and establishing shared platforms for psychosocial rehabilitation.
Keywords: Harm reduction; Mental illness; Treatment compliance; Tuberculosis.
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