How can TB Mukt Panchayat initiative contribute towards ending tuberculosis in India?
Community Engagement (CE) for disease control and health has been tested for a long time across the globe for various health programmes. Realizing the need for true multisectoral action and CE and ownership for ending TB on an accelerated timeline, the Government of India launched a nationwide campaign for ‘TB Mukt Panchayat’ (meaning ‘TB free village council’ in Hindi language) on 24 March 2023, banking on the system of local self-governments in the country. Though it is an initiative with huge potential to contribute to India’s efforts to end the TB epidemic, it is not without a few shortcomings. We critically analyse the TB Mukt Panchayat initiative and suggest a few recommendations for the way forward.
Keywords: Community engagement; TB Mukt Panchayat; TB elimination.
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