
GCRF Tuberculosis Social Research and Policy Network (TB-SRPN)

invites interested young scholars to apply for participation in the

2021-22 GCRF TB-SRPN Young Scholars Research Support Programme

Application deadline: December 5, 2021, 5 pm GMT.

About GCRF TB-SRPN: The GCRF Tuberculosis Social Research and Policy Network is a unique multidisciplinary network of social scientists (economists, public health researchers, sociologists, epidemiologists, psychologists, criminologists), civil society activists and policy makers, which provides a platform for ongoing knowledge exchange to enable a more effective, cost-effective and sustainable response to the TB epidemic in the region.

Program’s Goal: The GCRF Tuberculosis Social Research and Policy Network Young Scholar Research Support programme aims to strengthen research capacity in the post-Soviet countries via:

  • linking local early career researchers to the established researchers with relevant expertise from all around the world;
  • supporting them in the implementation of the policy-relevant research;
  • equipping them with tools to work in collaboration with policy makers and other stakeholders;
  • promoting adherence to the highest standards of academic integrity.

This is achieved in the process of working on a specific research paper within the duration of the program, which is 8 months.

Focus Countries: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine and Uzbekistan

Scope of research: Given the nature of the Network and the timeline of the program, we are looking for social research, which:

  • Uses secondary data, which has been either already collected for the purpose or is based on routinely collected administrative data sets.
  • Relies on the methodology from one or more of the social science disciplines: economics, public health, sociology, epidemiology, psychology, criminologists, etc.
  • Addresses a research question which is policy relevant either within the country in focus or across the whole region, as evidenced by the civil society and policy agenda.
  • Areas may include, but are not limited to, various social aspects of case detection and contact tracing, delayed diagnoses and treatment initiation, adherence to treatment, post-treatment rehabilitation, effectiveness of various models of TB treatment, inequalities in the provision of services, social isolation and stigma.
  • Clinical medical research will not be considered.

Eligibility criteria:

  • Applicant must be an Early Career Researcher (either currently in the last year of a doctoral program (or pursuing candidate of science degree) or be within 5 years after graduation as evidenced by the letter from the degree awarding institution or the degree certificate).
  • Applicant must be at an advanced stage of the analysis of a specific research question to which he/she is applying as evidenced by the submitted proposal.
  • Applicant must be a permanent resident of one of the following countries: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine and Uzbekistan.
  • Only one participant per country will be selected

Apply online here: If there are any questions, please write to

Evaluation criteria for applications:

  1. Research excellence (30 points)
  2. Policy relevance of the research question in a local and/or global context (25 points)
  3. Potential for capacity development (25 points) (preference will be given to the applicants for which participation in the program can bring the highest capacity development, compared to what the applicant would have achieved without
  4. Feasibility of completion (20 points)

Application procedure:

To apply please complete the online application form and provide the following materials:

  1. Research proposal (maximum 2 pages including references, single-spaced, font size 12) should include the following information:
  • Formulation of the problem/ research question.
  • Research methodology (data and empirical approach).
  • (Potential) Practical/Policy implications.
  • Reference list.
  1. 2-page CV
  2. Transcript from the doctoral program or doctoral degree (candidate of science) certificate
  3. Two references (names, affiliation, and contact information) for the candidate who can reflect on the potential of the candidate to benefit from the Program and the merits of the research proposal.

