The study took place in the catchment areas of two Primary Health Centres, Masaka and Uke, in Karu Local Government Area. Karu is 1 of 13 Local Government Areas in Nasarawa State, near the Federal Capital City of Abuja. Soaring costs of housing in Abuja have forced people to look for shelter and land outside the capital. As a result, Karu has grown rapidly, beyond its original planned capacity. Many people in Karu face housing problems like crowding, lack of water, and poor sanitation as well as overstretched health facilities. People seeking care at Masaka and Uke Primary Health Centres do not only come from Karu’s urban centres but also from nearby rural areas.
Twenty-five participants were affiliated with Masaka and Uke Primary Health Centres, where eight participants received TB treatment; eight were family members caring for a person with TB; and nine participants worked as healthcare providers in the TB clinics. There were 10 women and 15 men whom you will “meet” in the following pages.
Photovoice is a creative participatory research method, in which people document their everyday lives and express their perspectives through photography. It uses the power of visual narratives to foster understanding and empathy, promote dialogue, and encourage action.