Bio Sketch

Dr. Stephen Molldrem is a qualitative social researcher, health policy analyst, and ethnographer situated in Science and Technology Studies (STS), public health ethics, and critical data studies. He is an Assistant Professor at the University of Texas Medical Branch (UTMB) in the Department and Institute for Bioethics and Health Humanities within the School of Public and Population Health. He is also affiliated with the UTMB Institute for Translational Sciences. Stephen’s work in TB is a focal area in his research program on the ethical and social implications of the global scale-up of genomic sequencing infrastructures to support infectious disease research and control. Stephen works across STS, bioethics, and Implementation Science to understand how the implementation of next-generation sequencing technologies is reshaping global TB elimination policy and Botswana’s TB response. Since 2020, he has collaborated with partners in the US, Germany, and Botswana to understand and support the scale-up of TB sequencing in Botswana. He has secured US National Institutes of Health funding and other grant support for this work. Dr. Molldrem is also a Co-Principal Investigator of the US National Science Foundation-funded “Knowledge of AIDS” network and looks forward to bridging discussions between critical social studies of TB and HIV.

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