Publication Effect of public-private interface agency in Patna and Mumbai, India: Does it alter durations and delays in care seeking for drug-sensitive pulmonary tuberculosis? Nerges Mistry Access Private sector
Publication Engagement and Preparedness of Urban Accredited Social Health Activists (U-ASHAs) for Delivery of Tuberculosis (TB) Care: Findings From two Cities in Maharashtra, India Nerges Mistry Access Behavioural research
Publication Pulmonary tuberculosis in Patna, India: Durations, delays, and health care seeking behaviour among patients identified through household surveys Nerges Mistry Access Behavioural research
Publication Sputum and tongue swab molecular testing for the in-home diagnosis of tuberculosis in unselected household contacts: a cost and cost-effectiveness analysis Andrew Medina-Marino Access Cost / economic analysis
Publication Exploring Barriers to Timely Diagnosis and Treatment of Tuberculosis in Selangor, Malaysia: A Qualitative Study Access Qualitative Methods
Publication Barriers That Interfere with Access to Tuberculosis Diagnosis and Treatment across Countries Globally: A Systematic Review Access Diagnosis
Publication Building social equity and person-centred innovation into the end TB response Nora Engel Amrita Daftary Tom Wingfield Andrew McDowell Graeme Hoddinott Mike Frick Helene-Mari van der Westhuizen Karina Kielmann Jeremiah Chikovore Yuliya Chorna Justin Denholm Jennifer Furin Daniel Kashnitsky Ellen Mitchell Pushpita Samina Diego Silva Jonathan Stillo Alice Zwerling Charity Oga-Omenka Access Social Determinants
Publication Formulation and pilot test of tuberculosis patient score card (TB-PSC) in selected public health care facilities of Himachal Pradesh, India Access Community Engagement
Publication Evaluating Antiretroviral Therapy Service Delivery Models Through Lot Quality Assurance Sampling in Central Uganda Access Community Engagement
Publication Towards universal health coverage in Vietnam: a mixed-method case study of enrolling people with tuberculosis into social health insurance Tom Wingfield Access Health services
Publication A synthesis of qualitative evidence of barriers and facilitators in implementing guidelines for TB testing in healthcare settings Eleanor Ochodo Access Diagnosis
Report Gender equitable access to healthcare is an essential element of a resilient TB response in Nigeria Chukwuebuka Ugwu Access Equity
Media How to help people with tuberculosis avoid the medical poverty trap Tom Wingfield Access Social Determinants
Publication The potential perils of a drug protection framework in tuberculosis Jennifer Furin Access Advocacy
Publication Community-based health workers implementing universal access to HIV testing and treatment: lessons from South Africa and Zambia Graeme Hoddinott Access Diagnosis
Report Breaking the Silence: Human Rights, Gender, Stigma and Discrimination Barriers to TB Services in Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Ukraine Nonna Turusbekova Access Advocacy
Publication Responding to COVID-19: adjusting TB services in a low-burden setting Justin Denholm Krista Watts Access COVID-19
Report Compendium of good practices in the implementation of the Tuberculosis Action Plan for the WHO European Region 2016–2020 Yuliya Chorna Access Advocacy
Report Data for Action for Tuberculosis Key, Vulnerable and Underserved Populations Nonna Turusbekova Access Community Engagement